Hello, I'm Beth.

I love being the local notary public. I've lived in Cumberland since 2013, when my partner and I decided to put down roots and raise our family here. 

When I launched my solo practice in 2022, I knew I wanted to stay small and stay local - I think it's the best way to support this growing village of ours. When you call EYLNC, you get me. If you email me, it goes straight to my inbox. I love getting to know clients, and finding the best ways to help them meet their goals, whether that's buying a house or planning for the future. 

So, drop me a line and let's get to work.

It takes a village

I run a solo notary practice but I wouldn't be able to without some behind the scenes help with administrative tasks. When I can, I love supporting small businesses within the village and beyond - you'll often see me volunteering at local events. I'm a member of the Cumberland Business Association too! 

About me

Need my full resume? It's on LinkedIn